Early Clocks

First Period Civil War Lantern Clock attributed to Thomas Browne of Bristol. Wonderfully elegant proportions with an ultra-narrow chapter ring and early rounded brass pillars. One of his earliest (if not earliest) surviving lantern clocks to have come to light.
English Civil War
Lantern Clock
Welcome to Early Clocks
A website for collectors of antique clocks and sundials. Showing examples of Lantern Clocks, Longcase, Hook-and-Spike and Early Wigton Clocks.
I am always looking to purchase other interesting examples to show on this site, so please do Contact Me if you have any early clocks or sundials For Sale.
Although I do not offer clocks for sale on this website, I do sometimes swap or part-exchange very original and historically interesting pieces from my own private collection for other rare examples, so please visit my Swaps Page.
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Lee Borrett